Grab your hats and sunglasses as we cruise into the first week of Soar Camp! Join us in a week filled with team challenges, new activities and random tourist shots!
Registration for this schedule starts on 03/04/2025 and ends on 06/17/2025
Participants must currently be in kindergarten grade.
LOOK! There’s a new creation at Soar Camp! Join us for a week of creation, from light to all the creatures on the earth. Enjoy our themed crafts!
Registration for this schedule starts on 03/04/2025 and ends on 06/24/2025
Participants must currently be in kindergarten grade.
O Say Can You SEEEEE… all the fun that this week will bring! We will have a 3-day week in preparation and view of 4th of July week.
No field trip this week.
Registration for this schedule starts on 03/04/2025 and ends on 07/01/2025
Participants must currently be in kindergarten grade.
Did Frosty come early? Nope! It’s Christmas in July, where we celebrate six months early and enjoy all the holiday celebrations in the summer!
Registration for this schedule starts on 03/04/2025 and ends on 07/08/2025
Participants must currently be in kindergarten grade.
It’s a bird…It’s a plane… It’s the last week of Soar Camp! We get to end this amazing camp with capes and saving those in need!
Registration for this schedule starts on 03/04/2025 and ends on 07/15/2025
Participants must currently be in kindergarten grade.
Kindergarden campers will participate in many on-campus activities within their group including weekly outdoor water activities, art, drama, game room, sports, devotions, and different weekly special events/themes. Please note: Any child in Kindergarten who IS NOT CURRENTLY ENROLLED AT SRCS, MUST provide immunization records and a birth certificate BEFORE they can attend camp! Due to state and county regulations, all 3-5-yr. old campers must provide documentation of their health and immunization status. Ask your physician to provide you with Form 680 and Form 3040. These documents will be returned to you at the end of camp. Your child’s health records are very important and therefore if your child is not immunized they will not be allowed to attend camp.
Please contact Spanish River Christian School if you have any questions.